TRIO Student Support Services


We are committed to providing excellent academic advising and access to financial literacy education, college tours, cultural events, and workshops to empower TRIO-SSS participants to thrive in higher education.

We will increase the retention, transfer and graduation rates of TRIO-SSS partici­pants at ůůֱ²¥-Taos by engaging participants in a student-centered environment to assist in the learning of strategies to navigate college more skillfully and reach degree completion.

TRIO-SSS is funded 100% by the Department of Education Federal TRIO Programs.

Triple Your Chances of Graduating

“Participants in the TRIO Student Support Services are three times as likely to earn a bachelor’s degree compared to their peers who receive a Pell Grant without TRIO services.” ­–Armesto, Edward J. and McElroy, Maria; TRIO and Upward Bound: History, Programs, and Issues-Past, Present, and Future; The Journal of Negro Education 1998

TRIO-Student Support Services (TRIO-SSS) offers:

  • Transfer Advisement for a Certificate and/or Associate Degree
  • Career Advisement
  • College Success Workshops
  • Financial Literacy
  • 4-Year College Visits & Cultural Field Trips
  • TRIO Study Space
  • Community-Building Activities
  • Student Leadership Opportunities
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Peer Mentoring

Peer mentoring is a unique and valuable learning experience for both mentee and mentor

  • Connect and contribute to your campus community
  • Develop leadership and mentoring skills
  • Empower others to succeed
  • Enrich your college experience
  • Increase academic confidence
  • Make new friends
  • Take responsibility for your academic success
  • Build a sense of campus belonging
  • Master learning strategies
  • Experience the satisfaction that comes from serving others
  • Share experiences and insights with others
  • Work with your own team of TRIO-SSS professionals and peers committed to YOUR success!

UNM-Taos ůůֱ²¥ Eligible for TRIO-SSS

ůůֱ²¥ enrolled in the first two years of either a Certificate or Associate Degree program and are either: 

  • From income-eligible families as described by the Dept of Ed. (If you qualify for a Pell Grant you could likely qualify for TRIO.)
  • Or who are considered First Generation to go to college. Our TRIO grant defines First Generation as meaning that neither resident parent has completed a 4-year college degree. (ůůֱ²¥ whose parents have completed an Associate degree or Certificate still qualify as First Generation for our program.)
  • Or students who have a documented disability.
  • A U.S. citizen or meet residency requirements for federal student financial assistance.

As a federally funded US Department of Education grant program, a student must apply and meet eligibility guidelines to receive services from TRIO-SSS.


  • All students need to fill out the Student Application (1st form) above.
  • Student who are 23 years old or under and had to use their parents income tax information to fill out a FAFSA application; also need to include Student Application (2nd form), this needs to be filled out by their parent/legal guardian for low-income eligibility purposes.

ůůֱ²¥ 24 years old and over are considered to be Independent students for TRIO SSS Program income eligibility purposes and don’t need to fill out Student Application (2nd form); below is a PDF document with Independent Student Definition.

Please fill out the Adobe Sign form. All of the fields need to be filled in before you will be able to submit your completed document. After filling in all required fields, you will be asked to sign the document one more time. The form will also ask for your email so that you will receive confirmation of the submitted application.

Independent Student Definition


Mayra Gutierrez Ramirez
Program Director

Juan Juarez
Student Success Specialist, TRIO

Angelique Vargas
Student Success Specialist, Sr, TRIO