Recent News

Lobos win national book scholarship
May 20, 2021
Three UNM-Taos science students who were recommended for the Pipkin Book Scholarship have been recognized by the New Mexico Geological Society (NMGS) with book scholarships

NIFA awards grant to UNM-Taos
May 12, 2021
Rebuilding an agricultural rural economy: NIFA awards grant to
UNM-Taos’ new workforce, training program

Sen. Heinrich visit
May 12, 2021
U.S. Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-NM, came to Bataan Hall in Taos on Wed., May 5, to convene a roundtable discussion with members from the Paso a Paso Network .

UNM-Taos Lobo earns national scholarship
May 12, 2021
UNM-Taos student Tara Lupo is one of 49 students to be named as a 2021 New Century Transfer Pathway Scholar and will receive a $2,250 scholarship.

May 5, 2021
The ground was officially broken at Klauer Campus for the construction of the College to Pathways Career Center.