Recent News


UNM-Taos HIVE Introduces Program Specialist
October 31, 2023
ůůֱ²¥-Taos HIVE (UNM-Taos Hub of Internet-Based Vocation and Education) is pleased to announce another BEE has been added to the team. Steve Glovsky has joined the HIVE as its program specialist. He oversees the development and implementation of the HIVE Pollinator, the first tech startup incubator/accelerator program in Northern New Mexico.


Growing Taos’ Health Workforce
October 31, 2023
Rasa O’Donnell, ND, (Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine), joined UNM-Taos as the Allied Health Program Specialist in October.


The Wonder of Discovering Science
October 25, 2023
When it comes to getting middle and high school students interested in an education-related event, there’s nothing quite like throwing in some disease-related research equipment, a radioactivity detection device, and a Mars rover simulator to pique their curiosity.


Unsung Hero Mark Goldman
October 5, 2023
Mark Goldman, architect, coordinator for the UNM-Taos Construction Technology program and champion of affordable and sustainable housing, was named a 2023 Unsung Hero on Oct. 4 at the 23rd-annual Unsung Heroes event, hosted by the Taos News at El Monte Sagrado in Taos.