Recent News

Blazing an environmental engineering trail
June 8, 2022
While flames continue to eat up acres of the Northern New Mexico landscape, UNM-Taos graduate Ryan Himes is busy crafting a master’s thesis at New Mexico Tech that he hopes will help firefighters battle future wildfires.

Student Nurses Pass National Exam with Flying Colors, Again
June 2, 2022
One hundred percent of nursing school graduates passed the National Council Licensure Exam (NCLEX) on their first attempt in 2021, exceeding state and national averages at a time of unprecedented nursing workforce need.

What Do Kids Want to Be When They Grow Up?
June 1, 2022
In May, 65 students from three different 5th-grade classes at Enos Garcia Elementary took a field trip across the road to UNM-Taos’ RÃo Grande Hall on Civic Plaza Drive. Upon arrival, they were divided into three groups and led on a tour of the Nursing, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and Holistic Health (specifically massage therapy) program facilities.